Sunday, August 19, 2007

While we are on the topic...

Of making money at other people's expense...OK, I admit, I read mean, mean, mean blogs like Perez Hilton. But yesterday, in the supermarket, I saw the headline on Star Magazine: Britney to babes: You were both a mistake!

I am in no way standing up for that train wreck, in fact, I cannot believe that Kevin Federline is the good one here...whatever the case may be, isn't it bad enough that their mom is Britney Spears AND are flaunted in public for the sake of remaining relevant, but do the magazine HAVE to be so very mean. These are babies, children, they will grow up and see some of this. It is mean for the sake of making money. Makes me sad.

On a side note, Princess Diana died 10 years ago this month due to paparazzi, why are we still feeding that monster?!?!


Pumpkin Ceeds said...

God, we have to meet!

I remember I was on the computer at my parents house waiting for my brother to come home from riding his bike across the country that summer. I was just deciding that I was tired of having short hair and that from then on I would let it grow then--Wham! I heard on the radio that Princess Diana was on her way to the hospital and it was going to be aweful. I remember that. I remember how horrible it was to loose such a humanitarian. For some reason I could relate to her. It was a tragedy, and it could have been prevented.

People will do almost anything for a dollar figure.

Working Mom said...

I am on the road today posting from my treo...I am still sad about how she passed and even sadder that nothing changed in the culture.

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