Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Being "in the club"

Hubby and I were married for 11 years before boy (BB) and dated for 5 years before that. Needless to say, we were blissfully set in our ways. We don't have more than a handful of good friends. I think the latest tally is actually 6 close friends. We have moved around a lot and learned to rely on each other as partners. We trust each other implicitly, love each other deeply and respect each other completely. It takes a lot of effort to be in our circle, mostly because, well, we really just prefer each other's company.

When Boy was born, we didn't immedately know what to do with him. I mean, he wasn't "in the club". Of course we loved him, he was our child, but, it wasn't that insane goopiness everyone tells you about. It is entirely possibly hubby and I are defective in some way, but it is the truth. We couldn't figure out how this creature was supposed to get in the club.

It turns out, all he needed to do, was allow us the time to get used to another person in the club. He earned his way in with smiles and endearing little quirks, oh and the laughs! Now, I think he is the king of the club. I am finally at that stage in parenthood that looks really cool. I am just smitten with this kid. Glad he's in the club. The club is even better now! Who knew.


Pumpkin Ceeds said...

We don't have a club. Ours is a team. I think it has to do with Hubby and I both being swim coaches. Its nice to know ours isn't the only family out there who thinks along these lines!

The friends thing takes so much work! I can be friendly and interested in peoples lives, but it takes so much work to get to know people. All the finding a time to get together, finding a babysitter you can feel good about, the getting together...tiring! I am finding that blogging is giving me the friendship outlet that I need right now without the hassels. Plus, I can wear my pajamas!

I have been really in synch with your posts lately. Its like you are reading my mind at times!

I think I found a kindred spirit. At least in blog land.

Working Mom said...

I love your blog and your comments so much. I really do feel like we are kindred spirits. I have coached in the past, too. Funny, huh?

I think we are living opposite lives, honestly, you are staying home, I am working. It is fun to see the other side and the struggles and joys.

Making friends is nearly impossible sometimes and especially difficult when you have children, but you have a friend in me! Keep in mind, still happy to allow you to guest blog if you evern want to!