Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Missing out

All my life I have been driven to climb the corporate ladder and FAST. I managed to achieve my goal of becoming a Vice President by my 35th birthday. Last week, while I was out on vacaton and my job had been really grinding me, I realized, I am not sure I want to be on this hampster wheel while boy is growing up. I want to be home more. I want to be available more, but at the same time, I don't want to screw up my career path for when boy goes to school. And then I think, my career is no longer my priority. I could care less is I am a Regional VP or Senior VP in the next 5 years. The cost of that would be too high for what percieve as a small reward. Iw ould miss too much and gain too little. I just want to be a good mom and spend as much time with boy as I can. I don't really want a new job, I want a smaller job.


Serket said...

I don't know this for sure, but I get the impression that right now your husband does not work. If you change jobs or quit and your husband starts working you'll have to make sure you can still maintain an income you are comfortable with. Are there less demanding positions at your company you could do?

Working Mom said...

Your observations are astute. My husband stays at home with our son. We chose this solution and feel good about someone being at home. We do not want daycare.

The opportunity would be we both go part time and make a little more than we are now, OR he goes to work at a position that pays the same as mine. He is a programmer, so it is possible. I am just really shocked that I don't care the same way anymore. There is somewhere I would rather be...